NSI & NCRST sign strategic partnership agreement


The National Commission for Research, Science and Technology (NCRST) and the Namibia Standards Institution (NSI) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) towards Strengthening Research, Science, Technology and Innovation at NSI, in line with the priority areas outlined in the National Programme on Research Science and Technology.

The agreements outline also includes: Strengthen technical capacity to deliver building capacity service within the NSI on a training of trainer basis.

Build capacity for inventors, innovators and entrepreneurs in using standards for Total Quality Management, Business Continuity and Continual Improvement.

Identify and propose research projects on appropriate methods and tools necessary to improve the quality of products, processes and management systems.

“Under this agreement, we will be able to share resources to build capacity among our team members and be able to provide support through training of innovators. We are going to focus on key priority areas that are linked to the growth at home strategy, thereby contributing to Namibia’s Industrialisation. “said Dr Mvula.

This collaboration between NSI and NCRST will go a long way in contributing to NSI’s recent vision which states “to be recognized as the centre of excellence for standardization in Namibia, and which most of all the Harambe Prosperity Plan of the government, specifically, Social Progression.” said Ms Wasserfall.

The two organisations have agreed to enter strategic partnership to explore the sweet spot at the interface of innovation and standardisation. The agreement was signed by Dr Eino Mvula, Chief Executive Officer of NCRST and Ms Chie Wasserfal, Chief Executive Officer of NSI .