Market Surveillance Inspection – Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitisers Regulations: Standards Act, 2005


This notice serves to inform the general public that the Namibian Standards Institution (NSI) as the duly appointed technical inspection body for Alcohol-based hand sanitisers products will be conducting field inspections as of 03 August 2020 in line with Regulations 7 of the Alcohol-BasedHand Sanitisers Regulations, Government Notice No. 114.

Regulations 7 empowers the NSI to conduct market surveillance inspections to satisfy themselves that hand sanitisers used as a “hand rub” in Namibia has been registered and approved by the NSI and continue to perform as expected for the remainder of its shelf life.

 During field inspections, manufacturers, distributors, importers will be obliged to furnish the NSI inspectors with registrationand approval documents as well as test reports or Certificate of Analysis attesting to the type of alcohol present in the hand sanitiser as well as the concentration thereof for each and every batch displayed and offered for sale.

Failure to provide such documents is regarded as an indication that the product has not been subjected to compliance evaluation by the NSI, and therefore is in violation with the provisions of the Regulations and liable to a fine. Such products may either be returned to the supplier or surrenderedto the state for destruction at own cost and applicable offences and penalties shall apply.

 Manufacturers and distributors who have not applied for registration and approval with the NSI areurged to do so as a matter of urgency, products that fall within the scope of these regulations will be seized to ensure that the nation is protected against substandard products.

For all queries, kindly contact the Corporate Communications and Marketing division.

Mutonga Matali

Manager: Corporate Communications and Marketing

Tel: +264 61 386 417

Cell: +264 81 1465254
